Mouthy Magazine is an online publication focused on female empowerment and championing marginalised voices.
We encourage our audience to be outspoken and pride ourselves on keeping things REAL when it comes to being vocal about injustices, hot topics
and taboos.
Our mission is to inspire women to be bold and go against the grain of what society has long taught us is 'acceptable' or 'ladylike'.
Mouthy means nothing is off-limits.

SINCE 2020

Founder and Editor, Mouthy Magazine

There are several reasons for our bold brand name.
In the dictionary, the word 'mouthy' is defined as :
'Mouthy' is often used as a derogatory term for those who are considered to talk out of line, particularly in the case of women (hands up if you've ever been called loud or gobby!)
Ironically, our magazine prides itself on its mouthy title. It is wholly our intention to provide a voice to those who are ready and proud to get 'mouthy' about the things that matter to them.
If that sounds like you, then you're in the right place!
"Inclined to talk a lot, especially in a rude
or insolent way"